The Lifestyle Project

The following materials are from presentations given by Steven Earle at the June 2005 ACCC "Beyond Knowledge"  Annual Meeting, Moncton, New Brunswick and the October 2005 ISSOTL conference in Vancouver, British Columbia, as well as from teaching experience at Malaspina University-College.


Powerpoint presentation Lifestyle project outline Lifestyle project for elementary classrooms
Environmental quiz Comments from student  journals Take the lifestyle challenge

The Lifestyle Project was first used at Skidmore College (New York), and was described by Karin Kirk and John Thomas in a 2003 paper in the Journal of Geoscience Education: A pdf version of the paper is available here:  Kirk and Thomas

Steven Earle, PhD, P.Geo., Geology Department, Malaspina University-College, Nanaimo, B.C.  (

Steven Earle's home page